The 4C’s of Diamond Buying.
Choosing your diamond.
The Four C’s you need to know!
Embarking to design your own piece of custom jewellery or custom engagement ring can be a daunting enough task alone, set aside also trying to find that perfect diamond. Prepare yourself by understanding the importance of the 4Cs!
The 4Cs are used worldwide to classify the rarity of diamonds and their quality. Diamonds with the combination of the highest 4C ratings are considered rarest and as such most expensive. The 4Cs include Cut, Clarity, Colour, and Carat weight.
The Cut of a diamond has a tremendous effect on its brilliance. Even if the diamond has perfect Colour and Clarity, a poor cut can make a diamond look dull. The brilliance of a diamond depends heavily on its proportions and how it is cut. “Ideal Cut” diamonds are of the greatest value. Read more about why we value Cut above all other qualities in our blog post here.
In terms of Clarity, most diamonds contain minor flaws or inclusions. The visibility, number and size of these inclusions affect their Clarity. Diamonds that are clear create more brilliance, and thus are more highly prized, and priced.
Diamond Colour is also of critical importance. Colourless diamonds are the most desirable since they allow the most refraction of light (sparkle). Off-white diamonds absorb light, thereby inhibiting their brilliance.
Finally, Carat weight (size) is another key factor. Bigger is not always better as diamonds of equal carat weight can have very unequal value, depending on their Cut, Colour and Clarity. However, because large diamonds are found less commonly than small diamonds, the price of a diamond rises exponentially to its weight.
For more information on diamond quality, characteristics and features PLEASE visit the following INDEPENDENT JEWELLERY ASSOCIATION websites:
– ‘The 4Cs Explained‘ provided by The American Gem Society (AGS) Laboratories
– ‘Diamond Buying Tips’ and ‘4 Cs of Diamond Quality‘ provided by the Gemological Institute of America Inc.
Want to dive even deeper still? Here is a brief video that helps explain why two diamonds that are graded exactly the same can vary greatly in price (and why it’s truly important to see your diamond in person before making the big purchase). Enjoy!
Note: if watching on your phone, turn sideways for the best viewing experience.

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